Monday, July 5, 2010

A Magic Bean Drawing

When Hollin woke up on this lovely rainy day, a long sheet of paper with a dried bean glued to the bottom was waiting for her. I told her it was a magic bean and that she should draw what it was going to become. She came up with this "fish plant". This was a quick and easy (no mess) way to start the day creatively. I love the thrill of artistic problem solving!
I think it really was a magic bean because Waylon is still in bed (9:00) and Hollin is unloading the dishwasher. I think I will go enjoy my coffee:)


  1. Absolutely wonderful! How old is your little girl? I just can't wait for the Dudimus to get creative with his imagination like that! Though we are enjoying our open-ended art projects too. :) Sometimes rainy days are so magical.

  2. So very clever, creative and FUN! I LOVE IT!!!!

  3. My daughter was 5 in April. We still do lots of open-ended projects, but I have seen a recent shift to where she wants to express ideas--so exciting:)

  4. I've included your fun post on the magic bean drawing in my weekly roundup of fun/creative/inspiring ideas I've discovered this week, blogged here:

  5. Thanks Camille,I love your weekly roundup--I am honored:)

  6. Such a poetic craft! Love it, and all your other projects!

  7. So very creative! I can't wait to get home and try this out! Thanks for the fabulous idea!

  8. I love that you gave her a little prompt for her to run wild with her imagination. I would have loved that kind of thing when I was a kid.
