Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Crayon Resist

It has been awhile since my last post. Summer has come and we have been visiting grandparents, going to camp and spending lots of time outside. We are of course still finding time for art. One of my favorite art experiences for this time of year is crayon resist fireworks. Crayon resist is one of those classic art techniques that is just, for lack of a better word, cool. It is so very simple. You need watercolor paper, watercolor paints, a paintbrush and crayons. The basic instructions are to color or draw on the paper with the crayons (press hard) and then paint over the image. The waxy crayon lines resist the wet paint and show up nice and bright along with the paint. For the most fun, try light or white crayons and dark paint. You may wish to do this the day after you see fireworks so that the concept and images are fresh in your child's mind. Just use bright crayons and black paint. Oooh, Ahhh!

So simple and guarenteed to be a crowed (or child) pleaser.

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