You will need:
- paper towel tube
- wide needle (put a bunch of tape on the back end so it can be handled comfortably)
- white glue
- flat toothpicks
- masking tape
- 2 cupcake papers (any paper will do if you don't have these)
- uncooked rice
- paper mache glue (flour and water will do--more details later)
- colored tissue paper
Wrap the eye end of a thick needle with masking tape so that it can be held comfortably. Poke holes all over the tube. The more the better. This can be a counting game, try to count and poke 100 holes.
Cover up one end with a cupcake cup. They fit just right. Tape it on nice and tight. You can use any paper, but I like using the cupcake paper because kids think it is funny and they can handle getting it to fit really well. Get your dustpan ready, you will need it for the next step!
Cover your workspace and tear up some pieces of newsprint or paper towels. Have some squares of colored tissue paper handy, but don't put them out until the plain layer is done. Mix flour and water together, about 50/50 until you have a gluey consistency. I like to add a big squirt of Elmer's too. Mix it up. Get your hands wet and goopy and rub the rainstick. Cover it with newsprint being sure to cover it with a layer of goop. Do a bout 2 layers. Encourage your child to rub it smooth and flat.
Now put out the tissue paper. The process is the same, you are simply using colored paper now.
Allow it to dry overnight. You can add feathers or string and beads. You can add a clear acrylic coat for a little shine. We kept ours simple. It really will sound like rain, especially if you have a group. Hmm, I just heard some thunder. I am always amazed at how making rainsticks or even talking about them brings the rain! I better go get the clothes off the line!